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Soal Ujian UT Ilmu Hukum MKDU4107 Bahasa Inggris I dan Kunci Jawaban

Soal UT Ilmu Hukum MKDU4107 Bahasa Inggris I dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya kami bagikan untuk Anda Mahasiswa UT jurusan Ilmu Hukum yang saat ini berada di semester 1 dan tidak lama lagi akan melaksanakan kegiatan UAS. Pada artikel sebelumnya, kami juga telah berbagi Soal UT Ilmu Hukum Semester 1 yaitu Soal Ujian UT Ilmu Hukum ISIP4130 Pengantar Ilmu Hukum/PTHI yang tentunya juga harus Anda pelajari.

Kami tahu betul harapan dari teman-teman Mahasiswa pastinya ingin mendapatkan nilai yang bagus pada UAS nanti agar bisa lulus tepat waktunya. Namun pada kenyataannya tidak sedikit dari teman-teman Mahasiswa yang berkeluh jeleknya nilai UAS, ini hampir tiap semester. Hal ini tentunya terjasi akibat kurangnya persiapan teman-teman dalam menghadapi UAS.

Perhatian: Mahasiswa sekalian, perlu Anda tahu bahwa disini kami mengacu pada kurikulum terbaru UT, jadi kemungkinan ada mata kuliah yang berbeda tidak sesuai dengan semester yang Anda maksud. Untuk melihat semua mata kuliah, silahkan Anda menuju artikel kami Soal Ujian UT Ilmu Hukum. Dan silahkan cari dan pelajari soal-soalnya.

Soal Ujian UT Ilmu Hukum Semester 1 Lainnya:

Disini kami berbagi Soal UT Ilmu Hukum dalam bentuk pilihan ganda yang sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya. Dengan mempelajari soal-soal seperti ini kami yakin Anda akan jauh lebih efektif untuk memanfaatkan waktu Anda. Namun tentu Anda harus mempelajari juga catatan kuliah Anda dan membuka kembali modul kuliah Anda.

MKDU4107 Bahasa Inggris I

Soal UT Ilmu Hukum MKDU4107 Bahasa Inggris I

Semua Soal Ilmu Hukum ini bersumber dari situs resmi Universitas Terbuka yang mana soal-soal ini tentunya sudah di pilih dan diprediksi akan keluar pada saat UAS nantinya. Dan yang membuat soal-soal ini memang yang berkompeten di bidangnya. Jasi silahkan Anda pelajari dengan sungguh-sungguh soal-soalnya.

Soal UT MKDU4107 Bahasa Inggris I

Untuk Pertanyaan no. 1 sampai dengan 5

Lengkapilah paragraf berikut dengan mengisi tempat yang kosong dengan pilihan yang diberikan dibawahnya.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born …………… (1) physicist and Nobel laureate, best known as the ………… (2) of the special and general theories of relativity and for his bold hypothesis concerning the particle nature of light. He is perhaps the most well-known scientist of the 20th century. Einstein was …………. (3) in Ulm on March 14, 1879, and spent his youth in Munich, where his family owned a small shop that manufactured electric machinery. He did not …………..(4) until the age of three, but even as a youth he ………….. (5) a brilliant curiosity about nature and an ability to understand difficult mathematical concepts. At the age of 12 he taught himself Euclidean geometry.

a.  American
b.  America
c.  Americanese
a.  Anda benar! Karena yang dibutuhkan adalah berupa kata sifat.

a.  create
b.  creator
c.  creating
b.  Anda benar! Yang dibutuhkan adalah kata benda/orang.

a.  born
b.  borning
c.  borned
a.  Anda benar! Yang dibutuhkan adalah kata sifat.

a.  talking
b.  talked
c.  talk
c.  Anda benar! Pemakaian kata kerja pada kalimat negatif bentuk lampau kembali pada bentuk dasar (pertama).

a.  shower
b.  showed
c.  showering
b.  Anda benar! Yang dibutuhkan adalah bentuk kata lampau (past).

Untuk soal no. 6 sampai dengan 10

Bacalah teks berikut ini dengan cermat

Alfred Adler
Alfred Adler (1870-1937), Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist, born in Vienna, and educated at Vienna University. After leaving the university he studied and was associated with Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. In 1911 Adler left the orthodox psychoanalytic school to found a neo-Freudian school of psychoanalysis. After 1926 he was a visiting professor at Columbia University, and in 1935 he and his family moved to the United States.
In his analysis of individual development, Adler stressed the sense of inferiority, rather than sexual drives, as the motivating force in human life. According to Adler, conscious or subconscious feelings of inferiority (to which he gave the name inferiority complex), combined with compensatory defense mechanisms, are the basic causes of psychopathological behavior. The function of the psychoanalyst, furthermore, is to discover and rationalize such feelings and break down the compensatory, neurotic will for power that they engender in the patient. Adler's works include The Theory and Practice of Individual Psychology (1918) and The Pattern of Life (1930).

6.  Look at the pronoun he in paragraph one. What does he refer to?
a.  Sigmund Freud
b.  Vienna
c.  Alfred Adler
c.  Anda benar!

7.  What does they in paragraph two refer to?
a.  feelings
b.  neurotic
c.  the patient
b.  Anda benar!

8.  What does it meant by associated in paragraph 1?
a.  opponent
b.  correlated
c.  assorted
b.  Anda benar! Jawaban memberikan makna yang sama dengan assosiated

9.  What is the antonyms of the word discover in paragraph 2?
a.  reveal
b.  suppress
c.  discreet
b.  Anda benar! Jawaban yang diberikan adalah antonim.

10. The synonyms of the word engender in paragraph 2 is...
a.  cause
b.  maneuver
c.  engaged
a.  Anda benar! Jawaban memberikan sinonim.

Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat dari pertanyaan berikut ini.

1.  The word is constructed by ...
a.  ratio + nalize + -d
b.  ratio + nalize + -ed
c.  rational + -ize + -ed
d. rational + -ize + -d
c.  Anda benar!

2.  The word disobedient is constructed by ...
a.  dis- + obedient
b.  dis- + obey + -ent
c.  disobey + -dient
d.disobe + -dient
b.  Anda benar!

3.  The word is constructed by ...
a.  prove + -ise + -sion + -al + -ly
b.  provise + -ion + -al + -ly
c.  provision + -al + -ly
d. provise + ition + -al + -ly
a.  Anda benar!

Untuk soal no. 4 sampai dengan 5

Pilihlah satu kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut ini:

4.  A college ... never hurt anybody who was willing to learn after he got it.
a.  educate
b.  educated
c.  education
d. educating
c.  Anda benar! Jawaban sudah kata benda.  IDevice Question Icon

5.  Everything is funny as long as it is ... to somebody else.
a.  happening
b.  happened
c.  happen
d. happenation
a.  Anda benar! Kalimat membutuhkan present progerssive tense atau kata kerja yang berakhiran ing.

Brosur 1

Carilah informasi dari brosur berikut ini dengan cepat!

SPRING LUNCHEON | Portage 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 5 the annual Spring Luncheon/Bake Sale at First Presbyterian Church, 6225 Lute Road. Cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children 5 to10 years old. A large variety of salads, ham, turkey, mostaccioli, breads, desserts, and beverages will be served. An assortment of homemade goodies will be available at the bake sale table. FYI: (219) 762-4914

ALONG THE SPECTRUM | Merrillville Merrillville Community Planetarium presents the public program Adventures Along the Spectrum at 7:30 tonight and Saturday at Clifford Pierce Middle School, 199 E. 70th Ave. This is a family presentation of a school program by third- to fifth-graders featuring Professor Photon discussing the invisible and eerie realms of the energy spectrum. A look at the spring sky follows. Admission is $3 for adults and $1.50 for children. Reserve seats or arrange for a private group show. FYI: (219) 650-5486

GOOD TIME CHARLEY SINGLES DANCE | Schererville 7 p.m. Sunday at the Woodhollow Loft, 221 U.S. 41. Admission is $7 and $5 before 8:15 p.m. FYI: (219) 650-2111

LEARN TO LINE DANCE | Schererville Line-dance lessons start Thursday at American Legion Post 485, 7485 Burr St. Warm up from 6 to 7 p.m. and learn to dance from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursdays. Cost for a six-week series is $35, or $6 per session. Sign up on the first night of classes. FYI: (219) 345-5732

LINE DANCING CLASSES | Lansing 7 p.m. Wednesday join the fun and get that much-needed exercise at the beginning line dancing lessons at St. Kevin Church hall, 10509 Torrence Ave. FYI: (708) 978-1059

DANCERS DELIGHT | Hobart 7 to 10:30 p.m. Sunday at the Elks in Hobart, 3580 W. 61st Ave. Dance to the Big Band sound of the Gary Anthony Orchestra.  FYI: (219) 942-1152 LATIN GROOVE MATRIX | Hammond 8 p.m. Fridays with free salsa lessons from 8 to 9 p.m. at Orbie's International Banquets & Catering, 142 Rimbach Ave. FYI: (219) 805-0990

LINE DANCE LESSONS | Crown Point 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Flamin' Country, 769 Madison St. Admission is $6. FYI: (219) 663-3800

1.  Anda tertarik untuk belajar line dance dan Anda perlu informasi mengenai jadwal dan biayanya.  Maka no telp yang Anda hubungi adalah...
a.  (219) 762-4914
b.  (219) 663-3800
c.  (219) 345-5732
c.  Anda benar! Anda dapat dengan cepat mencari learn to line dance.

2.  Anda bersama keluarga berencana untuk makan di sebuah tempat. Informasi yang Anda cari adalah menu apa yang disediakan?
a.  menu yang disajikan antara lain: salads, mostaccioli, breads, dan desserts.
b.  menu yang disajikan adalah chiness food.
c.  menu yang disajikan adalah european food.
a.  Anda benar! Anda dapat dengan cepat mencari penanda seperti nama-nama makanan.

3.  Untuk belajar salsa, Anda mendapatkan informasinya di...
b.  Anda benar! Kata salsa merupakan penanda sehingga Anda dapat dengan cepat mencari informasinya.

Brosur 2

Carilah informasi dari brosur berikut ini dengan cepat!

SCHOLARSHIP AWARD | Crown Point Crown Point Community Foundation is accepting applications for a scholarship for current college students pursuing degrees in optometry, speech and hearing pathology or related fields. This $1,000 scholarship award will be granted to a Crown Point High School graduate enrolled as full time students at an accredited college or university. Applicants can be at the master’s degree level or have completed their second semester in a program leading to a bachelor’s degree and can reapply for this scholarship. Selection is based on financial need, scholastic ability, character, leadership and integrity. This Crown Point Lions Club award is a unique opportunity for students already enrolled in college. FYI: Call (219) 662-7252.

LAPSIT STORIES | Wheatfield A Lapsit Story Time for one year olds and a parent or caregiver will be held from 10 to 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays, May 2 to May 23, at the Wheatfield Library, 350 S. Bierma St. Stories and songs will be included. Only children who have been registered can attend; other arrangements should be made for siblings. FYI: Call (219) 987-3774.

TODDLER TIME | DeMotte Two year olds, accompanied by a parent or caregiver, are invited to Toddler Time at 10 or 11 a.m. Wednesdays, May 3 to 24, at the DeMotte Library, 901 Birch St. SW. Each 30-minute session will include songs, stories and crafts. Only children who are registered may attend; other arrangements should be made for siblings. FYI: Call (219) 987-2221.

HOW TO ADOPT | Gary Lutheran Social Services is hosting an information meeting on how to become a licensed foster or adoptive home for children in Lake County from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Monday at the Lake County Department of Child Services, 661 Broadway. FYI: Call (219) 838-0996.

VIDEO CONTEST | Nationwide College students can interpret the Christopher belief that one person can make a different in a short film of five minutes or less. Entries can express this theme in any genre or shooting format but must be submitted on standard, full-size NTSC-format VHS or as a Region 1 or regionless DVD. Winning entries will be aired on a special edition of the internationally-syndicated TV series "Christopher Closeup." In addition, eight winners will receive cash prizes. Entrants must be enrolled in and attending a college or undergraduate program at a college or university. Entries are judged on overall impact, effectiveness of conveying theme, artistic merit and technical proficiency. Entries are due June 9. The Christophers is a nonprofit that uses the media to spread two basic ideas: there’s nobody like you and you can make a difference. This message, based on a concept of service to God and all humanity, is addressed to people of all faiths and of no particular faith. FYI: Call (212) 759-4050 or visit www.christophers.org.

ESSAY CONTEST | Nationwide The Ayn Rand Institute has an "Atlas Shrugged" essay contest for college students. The entry deadline is Sept. 15. First prize is $5,000, second prize is $1,000. There are also cash prizes for third prize, finalists and semifinalists. There are three topics to choose from. Entrants must be enrolled in a college degree program at time of entry. Essay must be no fewer than 1,000 and no more than 1,200 words in length and must be typewritten and double-spaced. One entry per student. Essay must be solely the work of the entrant. Essays can be submitted online or mailed. FYI: Visit www.aynrand.org/contests.

1.  Anda mencari tempat untuk membawa anak Anda bermain sambil belajar (anak Anda berusia 2,5 tahun). Anda bisa membaca informasinya di ...
b.  Anda benar! Penanda yang Anda cari sangat tepat.

2.  Ketika Anda sedang berbicara dengan teman Anda, Anda memperoleh informasi mengenai perlombaan esai. Maka untuk informasi lebih detail Anda bisa browsing di ...
a.  www.christophers.org.
b.  www.essay.org/contests.
c.  www.aynrand.org/contests
c.  Anda benar! Penanda seperti kata essay dapat dengan cepat Anda temukan..

3.  Berapa besar beasiswa yang akan Anda peroleh di Crown Point High School?
a.  $1,000
b.  $11,000
c.  $1,00
a.  Anda benar! Penanda yang Anda cari sangat tepat.

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Sekian artikel kami terkait Soal Ujian UT Ilmu Hukum MKDU4107 Bahasa Inggris I dan Kunci Jawaban. Belajarlah yang giat di rumah, buka kembali catatan kuliah dan modul Anda serta pelajari soal-soal yang kami share ini. Jangan lupa untuk berbagi pada temab Anda yang lainnya dengan cara share artikel ini dan jika ada pertanyaan, silahkan sampaikan pada kami melalui laman Contact, terima kasih.